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A foiler designed for any sailor.

The idea was to create a SIT & FLY foiler, that is to say a boat with foils that practically flew alone, and endow it with an exceptional stability so that any sailor could fly easily, regardless of their physical or technical preparation, also allowing them to access into the competition with foils so far suitable for only a few specialists.
The Mothquito Foiling Catamaran perfectly meets this objective. Proof of this is that none of our riders had ever flown on a boat with foils before and as you will see in the videos they all fly without any difficulty.
I sincerely believe that it is the best guarantee that the Mothquito is made for you.
You will soon be able to try it for yourself.
Happy flight!!
Toni Blanc
Designer and CEO:
The Mothquito Foiling Catamaran is the first foiler in the world with an increased dynamic stability and performance, by the IFS system, a system that increases its dynamic length and beam to make foiling easy, safe and fun for any sailor.
Due to this system, the Mothquito surprises with its great stability, both at take-off and during flight, requiring the crew member simply the same physical effort that would be required to sail in any conventional dinghy boat without trapeze and without the need for a special technique.
In the Mothquito you just have to sit down to sail and the boat will practically will flies alone.
For all these reasons, the Mothquito is an easy and suitable foiler for all types of sailors, a true SIT & FLY.
At the same time, it can be a fundamental tool for schools and training centers, which are increasingly in demand for easy-to-fly, stable, yet fast and fun foilers.
But make no mistake, the Mothquito is more than just a docile and stable foiler. The Mothquito is a high performance catamaran racer.
With a dynamic beam in flight of 4.8 m2, this boat manages to significantly increase its righting moment, which allows it to have a sail area of 17.5 m2 in its basic configuration, to launch the boat at high speeds without heeling or feeling of risk.
With Mothquito you don`t need:
Previous experience.
Specific technical training.
Special physical preparation.
Navigate against heeling as in the Moth.
Hang on a trapeze compromising your safety.
Height sensors and flaps to regulate the flight height, since its V foils automatically regulate the height.
Increasing the dynamic length:
You increase longitudinal stability, improving dynamic longitudinal trim in flight and reducing the risk of nose dive and pitch poles.
Increasing the dynamic beam:
Increased transverse stability is achieved, increasing righting moment and performance, with a significant reduction in heeling.
That is why Mothquito marks a before and after, a new concept in the world of foiling
which is summarized in a single expression:
With Mothquito you know how.
As foiling progresses, more and more fans and sailors want to experience the sensation of flying, even if only once.
But the reality is that many of them are in doubt as to whether they will be able to fly continuously and controlled, since flying these machines does not seem as easy as sitting down.
In many cases, it requires significant physical preparation and endurance to be able to keep the balance in flight based on counter-heeling, making counter balance and playing with the mainsail sheet hunting and molding to maintain balance and not repeatedly go overboard.
In other cases, as in the majority of catamarans, it will be necessary to hang on the trapezoid to reduce the heeling, and at high speeds the maneuvers are very fast and precise, so the risk in these circumstances does not It exactly coincides with the idea of enjoy it.
In summary we can group the current foilers into 3 large groups:
2T foils
They are small foilers, monohull or multihull, for a single handed and they have a central inverted T-foil and another inverted T-foil in rudder on the same line.
When they are monohull, flying on these boats without falling into the water is not easy. You have to establish a continuous balance by flying against heeling and keep your balance playing with the main sheet, and your weight.
In the case of multihulls, the outer hulls act as a float to stop preventing the overturns, as the small lateral wheels do on a bicycle when the child learns. But this solution does not eliminate the difficulty of the flight and slows down the speed of the boat every time the float enters into the water.
They also use flaps with mechanical height sensors to control the flight height, and therefore require care and maintenance.
4T foils
They are dinghy catamarans for single or double handed and have four inverted T-foils.
With a dynamic beam of around 2.5 m, which usually coincides with their hull beam, these foilers are much more stable than the 2T foils, but in them the use of trapezoids is usually common to compensate the heeling, which not everyone likes and less at high speeds.
They also use flaps with mechanical height sensors to control the flight height, and therefore require care and maintenance.
2J + 2T foils
They are high-performance catamarans, of greater length and for more than two or three crew. It is common to see them compete on international circuits.
Their main foils are in J, which is the same as an underwater V when the boat heels, so they regulate the flight height without the need for flaps.
They are very technical boats that require a lot of training and good physical shape. In addition they are not affordable since their price is usually not within the reach of every pockets.